Why all the love for the Motorola RAZR?
Rhydderch Hael,Dec 21 2005, 12:33 PM Wrote:I will dread the day my local phone company does away with accepting "pulse" dialing, thus making unmodified rotary phones incompatible.
In a suprising mix of old and new technology, a friend of mine uses his mid-40's, 10-ton Bakelite rotary wall-phone, hooked up to cable telephone :)
[Image: gurnseyheader6lk.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Why all the love for the Motorola RAZR? - by Gurnsey - 12-21-2005, 11:02 PM
Why all the love for the Motorola RAZR? - by Doc - 12-21-2005, 11:33 PM

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