Iron Golem - Best to make out of?
Conner Macleod,Feb 22 2003, 03:00 AM Wrote:OK, so the question is...  am I making Golems for nothing from cruels?  Are they inflicting the damage or are they nerfed or what?  Someone told me that I was wasting my money and time recently, so I want to ask the experts here.

After all, Iron Golem Necros are the elites.  And I want to be that way, even if I can afford it.  So anyone know my answer?
Wow. Deja vu. Seems like this is posted somewhere else... ;)

I am far from being a necro expert, but I would personally go with the low lvl pally shield with diamonds to pump the resists above 100%. Afterall, the main point of the golem is its use as a punching bag, right? While getting one with some of its own "oomph" is nice, the AR is fairly pathetic (like Archon_Wing mentioned). With the diamond shield, you've got a quad immune that is pretty cheap to replace.

If you can find it on the old forums (it looks like the search function isn't working over there), look for some topics on what kinds of items can be used. I believe a Hwanin's armor golem was one that was mentioned. I only remember that since it's on my "to-do" list. :)

Also, I don't know if the cheating stance here applies to golems. I'm only mentioning that because you said you like to make them out of "cheated items". We don't look kindly on cheaters around here (check the FAQ). Bolty and Gris can let you know their thoughts on that.

But if you can afford to replace the cruel weapons, I say go for it. Do what makes it fun for you.

Just my $0.02
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Messages In This Thread
Iron Golem - Best to make out of? - by Striker - 02-22-2003, 06:17 PM
Iron Golem - Best to make out of? - by Striker - 02-23-2003, 12:21 AM
Iron Golem - Best to make out of? - by Sourskunk - 02-24-2003, 05:02 AM

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