Does "X% chance to cast 'Z' when taking damage"
Thanks for testing that Albion Child. I dont even know how to go about testing that. Well my thought proccess was more based on that jewel and how unfair it could be in duels. Say somehow you managed to find/trade for just two of those jewels. Even if they skill levels didn't stack, its still a substantial amount of damage, combined with masteries??? I see people leveling or even rushing sorceresses to 50 for maxed mastey only, equipting only their jewels of "DOOM", getting a looter and saying, "DUEL ME YOU NOOOOOOBSSS!!!" And of course anyone who duels him will kill him in one hit, but die in the proccess, and he will laugh because he has loot and spent maybe one hour or less rushing his character and he just killed your character you spent days, weeks, or even months on.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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Does "X% chance to cast 'Z' when taking damage" - by Taem - 05-11-2003, 08:15 AM

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