Warlock pets
RTM,Dec 15 2005, 03:36 PM Wrote:maybe Drasca could shed some light on it since he's got a 60 orc Warlock.

I've debated starting a horde warlock

Everyone goes male or female undead lock (if they aren't part of the millions of alliance). Go female orc lock with goggles. That's the coolest look, and the rarest.

As for the command trait... I heard the opposite, it supposedly adds +5% flat to all my pet's attack damage. I've had imps and succubi rack up damage in the thousands range in MC/Onyxia before. As to average damage against another UD Lock comparison? I've never done that. Talent builds matter greatly, and the 'spell' portion of the damage done by pets only matters in two cases: Imps, and succubi with a destruction warlock upgrade. Her LoP doesn't consistently add great amounts of damage compared to the sheer terror she is with Full Unholy power around. 100-200+ range per hit, which is every few seconds. VW's damage is negligible in all cases, and felhunter does ok damage. Felhunter isn't laughed at in duels, but he's nowhere close to Infernal, Doomguard, and Succubus level of damage.

I don't know if the Orc Racial is applied to enslaved demons... however I loved using them when I could, especially in DM East. 200-400dps from the demons alone... Discluding the aoe abilities effects too.

I figure in general, pets contribute around 20% of my overall damage. In certain cases however, this can spike up to 50%, or technically zero... when I am busy surviving, or even doing dps (in the case of enslaved demons), or when I have an imp phased out for dark pact purposes (during affliction builds). His mana however, is certainly a contribution to my dps.

Messages In This Thread
Warlock pets - by south - 12-15-2005, 04:52 PM
Warlock pets - by Lissa - 12-15-2005, 05:46 PM
Warlock pets - by RTM - 12-15-2005, 08:36 PM
Warlock pets - by Drasca - 12-18-2005, 12:29 AM

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