Possible server transfers to any server
jhartelt,Dec 16 2005, 11:09 AM Wrote:Guild Wars takes place on just one realm.

Guild wars isn't a persistant world. everytime you move to a new area it's exactly as if nobodies ever been there before. You can't have a persistant world MMO without having multiple servers. Guild wars is also designed to have most of the game run on the clients computer so that the main server doesnt have to mess with all the multiple instances. You can't do that in a persistant world MMO.

Messages In This Thread
Possible server transfers to any server - by Tal - 07-28-2005, 05:31 PM
Possible server transfers to any server - by Tal - 07-28-2005, 07:12 PM
Possible server transfers to any server - by savaughn - 08-01-2005, 10:24 PM
Possible server transfers to any server - by Tal - 08-02-2005, 04:43 AM
Possible server transfers to any server - by Tal - 12-13-2005, 03:08 PM
Possible server transfers to any server - by Tal - 12-13-2005, 04:42 PM
Possible server transfers to any server - by Chesspiece_face - 12-16-2005, 04:40 PM

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