Priest healing power and efficiency chart
Quark,Dec 15 2005, 12:36 PM Wrote:A priest with just Spiritual Healing and 3 pieces of Prophecy can easily have Flash Heal pass Greater Heal as a spell of choice in any situation.  It takes the talents that improve Greater Heal to make it reasonably more efficient and better heals per second.

Equivalent or better HPS and HPM aren't everything. An efficiency gain from using the big heals in long fights is that you can recover more mana via spirit when using the big ones.

While using flash heal in these situations you can mitigate the effect somewhat by bursting them, but even doing this you will not be regenning during the cast times of any of the flash heals except for the first in a burst.

Your point is well taken given all the many advantages of flash heal already, but saying every situation might be going a bit too far ;)

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Priest healing power and efficiency chart - by vor_lord - 12-15-2005, 08:21 PM

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