The Diablo History is not dead yet!
Remember way back in January when I mentioned something about writing a Diablo History? I've still been pecking away on it, having received information from several different (and surprising!) sources.

Then about mid-March, school ate most of my life, and whatever was left over, this nifty and addictive game called Baldur's Gate 2 ate the rest. Throw in the life of a 20-year-old college student and problems therein, and here I am, early May, and back with the community. Yay!

Thanks to a file overwrite and the fact I'm a dumb*ss, I lost ~2 months of work on the timeline. The information's on a certain CD shipped to me ;) so it'll be easy to restore what I stupidly lost. (Thank goodness it wasn't the LL archive forum! 300+ pages... :blink: )

Summer approaches, the Final Four of projects have all been turned in, and exams can be easily speedbumped. I will publish a version by the end of the month. I will hold myself to this! And even without the archive DSF info on the CD, it's still a good 32 pages of stuff.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.

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The Diablo History is not dead yet! - by Count Duckula - 05-11-2003, 01:38 AM

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