05-10-2003, 09:32 PM
Whining would be begging for changes. I don't do that. I just point out flaws. That's not whining: that's criticism.
If you're gonna label me as something, at least get it right Mav. ;) Don't I deserve at least THAT much? :D
Bah. In way, I feel I'm entitled to rant. But, then, you do have a point. The first time or two, fine. Over and over, though... Yeah, I would find myself irritated by it (already am, in fact, which is why I've stopped bothering to reply to these threads except to posts directly involving me). But, then, I don't feel I've continually ranted on the issue. At least, I haven't started 4 threads about the same damn topic. :P As I said, I tend to only reply to those portions that either are in reply to me, or specifically point to me. If you see that as continually ranting... well, I don't know what to tell you. It's not my intent, but one can only reply so far without bringing up past conversation, no? Or am I wrong on that one?
In any case, I've said my peace about 1.10. Anyone who's bothered to actually READ my posts would know this: I stated, very clearly, what my explicit dislikes were regarding the upcoming patch. The rest I'll let others speculate about. I, personally, have no interest in speculating. So, I don't. I'm sorry if you see it as otherwise, but that's how it is. I call what I see / know, and leave the rest for when it comes.
At any rate, I'm rambling again. I'm off my OWN soapbox, although it seems people keep trying to shove a mic under my nose (*ahem*). ;) And no, Mav, I'm not taking it personally. But like I said, it's not whining: it's criticism. And, if you MUST label it in a negative manner, at least try to maintain some semblance of accuracy: b****ing. ;)
As I said before in one of these threads (I think?), there are only a few things I actually care to see in 1.10. The rest I won't give a flying pig about.
1) Removing that STUPID FEB / CEB damage addition to LEB bolts.
2) Other fixes to "features" like the above.
3) All the modding goodies that we were promised.
The uber gear, the flashy new skill system (actually, the IDEA of this is very cool, IMO; not sure how well it will work in practice, but it's at least good on the drawing board; unfortunately, I found out very often that ideas on paper are often times NOT good in reality :/; don't ever let someone tell you modding is easy), the Ladder versus non-Ladder characters: all that won't affect me, since I don't play on Battle.Net, and really don't play at all. Haven't for around a year or more now, give or take. Yeah Mav, I did quit because the game wasn't fun. I didn't just complain about it but keep playing: I downright quit. And you know what? It was a damn good break, too. I probably should have done it alot sooner, but so it goes. When 1.10 comes out, I may give it a spin. Or I may not. There's plenty of other things I can play (Morrowind, although I never really caught on to it before, seems to be sparking an interest in me again; and, despite how I said I wouldn't buy either of the NWN expansions, the more I hear about the new Elite classes or whatever they're called, the more intrigued I become, so maybe I'll even check them out).
I guess my point is: pick me out of the lot and criticize me if you want. Just don't think of me as the same as the rest. :)
I think I should end this rambling now. It really is pointless (kinda like complaining about the new skill system; while I may not have faith in Blizzard to balance it, I am itching to get my hands on it for myself; hell, just the prospect of what could be coming our way for us modders is making me anxious for 1.10; but, unfortunately, it's SOLELY for modding; for gaming, 1.10 holds absolutely no interest for me, which is almost depressing, in a way).
Actually, while I'm here:
Anyone got a recommendation for Morrowind? I know almost nothing about it, so I'm not sure exactly what to expect from it. I don't want spoilers or walkthroughs. I just want a rough run-down of what I can expect. Just what am I supposed to do, exactly? And what are some people's ideas for classes, etc.? Is there anything that someone finds particularly fun to play? Any really cool stuff to do? I played it for awhile, and I guess I got kinda far, but from the sound of it, I probably wasn't even 10% through it. I can't tell if that's a good thing, or not. On the one hand, it was more or less fun. On the other hand, much like BG / BG2, I found myself getting bored fast. I suppose that's actually one GOOD thing about D2's lack of storyline: when you DON'T want to spend hours on end working your way through an intricate, multi-faceted plot, it's great to just kill a few hours on. ;) Besides, it's almost more fun (for me) just to read the manual. :D Always was a sucker for reading material. :D
Ok. Enough rambling. I think I've gone about as far off-topic as I can without falling off the edge of the earth. ;) Mayhap I'll whip out Morrowind for a spin. Oh, one last thing: is it worth it to get the expansions?
If you're gonna label me as something, at least get it right Mav. ;) Don't I deserve at least THAT much? :D
Bah. In way, I feel I'm entitled to rant. But, then, you do have a point. The first time or two, fine. Over and over, though... Yeah, I would find myself irritated by it (already am, in fact, which is why I've stopped bothering to reply to these threads except to posts directly involving me). But, then, I don't feel I've continually ranted on the issue. At least, I haven't started 4 threads about the same damn topic. :P As I said, I tend to only reply to those portions that either are in reply to me, or specifically point to me. If you see that as continually ranting... well, I don't know what to tell you. It's not my intent, but one can only reply so far without bringing up past conversation, no? Or am I wrong on that one?
In any case, I've said my peace about 1.10. Anyone who's bothered to actually READ my posts would know this: I stated, very clearly, what my explicit dislikes were regarding the upcoming patch. The rest I'll let others speculate about. I, personally, have no interest in speculating. So, I don't. I'm sorry if you see it as otherwise, but that's how it is. I call what I see / know, and leave the rest for when it comes.
At any rate, I'm rambling again. I'm off my OWN soapbox, although it seems people keep trying to shove a mic under my nose (*ahem*). ;) And no, Mav, I'm not taking it personally. But like I said, it's not whining: it's criticism. And, if you MUST label it in a negative manner, at least try to maintain some semblance of accuracy: b****ing. ;)
As I said before in one of these threads (I think?), there are only a few things I actually care to see in 1.10. The rest I won't give a flying pig about.
1) Removing that STUPID FEB / CEB damage addition to LEB bolts.
2) Other fixes to "features" like the above.
3) All the modding goodies that we were promised.
The uber gear, the flashy new skill system (actually, the IDEA of this is very cool, IMO; not sure how well it will work in practice, but it's at least good on the drawing board; unfortunately, I found out very often that ideas on paper are often times NOT good in reality :/; don't ever let someone tell you modding is easy), the Ladder versus non-Ladder characters: all that won't affect me, since I don't play on Battle.Net, and really don't play at all. Haven't for around a year or more now, give or take. Yeah Mav, I did quit because the game wasn't fun. I didn't just complain about it but keep playing: I downright quit. And you know what? It was a damn good break, too. I probably should have done it alot sooner, but so it goes. When 1.10 comes out, I may give it a spin. Or I may not. There's plenty of other things I can play (Morrowind, although I never really caught on to it before, seems to be sparking an interest in me again; and, despite how I said I wouldn't buy either of the NWN expansions, the more I hear about the new Elite classes or whatever they're called, the more intrigued I become, so maybe I'll even check them out).
I guess my point is: pick me out of the lot and criticize me if you want. Just don't think of me as the same as the rest. :)
I think I should end this rambling now. It really is pointless (kinda like complaining about the new skill system; while I may not have faith in Blizzard to balance it, I am itching to get my hands on it for myself; hell, just the prospect of what could be coming our way for us modders is making me anxious for 1.10; but, unfortunately, it's SOLELY for modding; for gaming, 1.10 holds absolutely no interest for me, which is almost depressing, in a way).
Actually, while I'm here:
Anyone got a recommendation for Morrowind? I know almost nothing about it, so I'm not sure exactly what to expect from it. I don't want spoilers or walkthroughs. I just want a rough run-down of what I can expect. Just what am I supposed to do, exactly? And what are some people's ideas for classes, etc.? Is there anything that someone finds particularly fun to play? Any really cool stuff to do? I played it for awhile, and I guess I got kinda far, but from the sound of it, I probably wasn't even 10% through it. I can't tell if that's a good thing, or not. On the one hand, it was more or less fun. On the other hand, much like BG / BG2, I found myself getting bored fast. I suppose that's actually one GOOD thing about D2's lack of storyline: when you DON'T want to spend hours on end working your way through an intricate, multi-faceted plot, it's great to just kill a few hours on. ;) Besides, it's almost more fun (for me) just to read the manual. :D Always was a sucker for reading material. :D
Ok. Enough rambling. I think I've gone about as far off-topic as I can without falling off the edge of the earth. ;) Mayhap I'll whip out Morrowind for a spin. Oh, one last thing: is it worth it to get the expansions?
Roland *The Gunslinger*