12-08-2005, 09:27 PM
Dozer,Dec 8 2005, 04:16 PM Wrote:No matter what Blizzard says, every class has a role they are best at(and some with two):
Warriors - Tanking
Hunters - Ranged physical DPS
Mages - Ranged Magical DPS
Warlocks - Debuffs, other forms of Ranged Magical DPS
Rogues - Melee DPS
Priests - Healers
Druids - "Pure" hybrid
Shaman - offensive/healer hybrid
Paladins - defensive/healer hybrid
There's a deeper problem with the paladin that blizzard won't (can't) do anything about - playing defense is boring. :P
Well the other issue, apart from defense being possibly boring, is that the areas that blizzard has chosen to direct it's post 60 game do not allow for defensive play. in the 20/40 man raids the only defense you have is to control agro and possibly utilize terrain. In PvP the only defense is a good Offense. Paladins obviously can't do either control agro or put up a good offense. If blizzard continues to direct the post 60 game further in these areas the grievances of paladins will only grow.