Treesh,Dec 8 2005, 12:55 PM Wrote:That's what you think.
Maybe you had it cached still. ;)
Must have been it. It's a shame, it's a very funny site. Let's at least give you a bit of the gist of the site. ;)
Under the "Grind" Talent Tree...
Heightened Senses - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 10
Increases the radius of your 'Find Treasure', 'Find Herbs', and 'Find Minerals' by 200 yards. Nodes very far away will be displayed on the map instead of the minimap.
Fearless Foes - rank 1/2
Minimum Level: 10
Monsters that normally flee have a 50% chance of remaining for the whole fight.
Slightly Richer - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 10
Increases the amount of money dropped from monsters by 1%.
Grind - Tier 2
Tough Stuff - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 15
Requires 5 points in Grind Mastery
Increases the durability of all your items by 15%.
One Man's Trash - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 15
Requires 5 points in Grind Mastery
Grey items sell for 3% more to vendors.
Grind - Tier 3
Bargain Bin - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 20
Requires 5 points in Tough Stuff
Requires 10 points in Grind Mastery
Reduces the cost of repairs by 75%.
Will of the Farmer - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 20
Requires 10 points in Grind Mastery
Increases your total Spirit by 5%.
Curse of the Farmer - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 20
Requires 10 points in Grind Mastery
Instant cast10 min cooldown
Target player receives the farmer's curse. While cursed, the player's aggression radius becomes 30 yards for all monsters. The player also receives a 3% movement penalty and cannot mount. Cannot be dispelled. Lasts 10 seconds.
Grind - Tier 4
Head Start - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 25
Requires 3 points in Heightened Senses
Requires 15 points in Grind Mastery
When 'Find Treasure', 'Find Herbs', or 'Find Minerals' is active, additionally displays nodes that are about to spawn in the next 1 minute. These nodes will be annotated with time-until-spawn on your minimap and map.
Unfair Advantage - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 25
Requires 15 points in Grind Mastery
Increases your chance to hit against targets three or more levels below you by 2%.
Grind - Tier 5
Rigged Fight - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 30
Requires 5 points in Unfair Advantage
Requires 20 points in Grind Mastery
Increases damage dealt against targets three or more levels below you by 2%.
Good Odds - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 30
Requires 20 points in Grind Mastery
Increases the drop rate of green items from monsters by 0.1%.
Grind - Tier 6
Endless Supply - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 35
Requires 25 points in Grind Mastery
Instant cast20 min cooldown
Forces a re-spawn of all monsters within a 300 yard radius.
Slaughter Sluice - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 35
Requires 5 points in Rigged Fight
Requires 25 points in Grind Mastery
Increases your critical strike chance against targets three or more levels below you by 2%.
Better Odds - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 35
Requires 5 points in Good Odds
Requires 25 points in Grind Mastery
Increases the drop rate of blue items from monsters by 0.03%.
Grind - Tier 7
Death Strike - rank 1/2
Minimum Level: 40
Requires 5 points in Slaughter Sluice
Requires 30 points in Grind Mastery
Grants a 1% chance on hit to instantly slay a monster if it is three or more levels below you.
Best Odds - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 40
Requires 5 points in Better Odds
Requires 30 points in Grind Mastery
Increases the drop rate of purple items from monsters by 0.01%.
Under the "Auction" Talent Tree
Safety Deposit - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 10
Deposit amount required for auctions is reduced by 10%.
Deadly Threats - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 10
Prevents other players from bidding on items you just bid on for 1 minute.
Auction - Tier 2
Insider Trading - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 15
Requires 5 points in Auction Mastery
Auction times are displayed in 'minutes remaining' instead of 'short', 'long', or 'very long'.
Commission Fraud - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 15
Requires 5 points in Auction Mastery
The Auction House now charges you a 4.5% commission fee on sales.
Polyglut - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 15
Requires 5 points in Auction Mastery
Allows you to speak the opposing faction's common language.
Urgency - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 15
Requires 5 points in Auction Mastery
Instant cast2 hour cooldown
Target auction now expires 5 minutes earlier than originally posted.
Auction - Tier 3
War Bonds - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 20
Requires 10 points in Auction Mastery
You may buy bonds from any bank for 100g each. Every week, they accrue 0.3% interest and may be sold back to the bank for full value.
Graft - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 20
Requires 5 points in Commission Fraud
Requires 10 points in Auction Mastery
For every purchase you make on the Auction House, you collect 50% of the commission fee on that purchase.
Diplomacy - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 20
Requires 1 points in Polyglut
Requires 10 points in Auction Mastery
Instant cast1 hour cooldown
Makes you friendly to both factions, preventing any PC or NPC attacks from either side. Lasts for 10 minutes.
Auction - Tier 4
Sleight of Hand - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 25
Requires 15 points in Auction Mastery
When you trade money with other players, only 99% of your money will actually be transferred, despite what the trade window says.
Smooth Negotiator - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 25
Requires 5 points in Diplomacy
Requires 15 points in Auction Mastery
You may access both factions' trade channels and Auction Houses.
Spam King - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 25
Requires 15 points in Auction Mastery
When you log off, your character will continue to spam trade channels about every auction currently on the Auction House for the next 2 hours.
Auction - Tier 5
Eye of the Gouger - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 30
Requires 20 points in Auction Mastery
Displays the total amount of gold carried by a player next to their name.
Business Class - rank 1/4
Minimum Level: 30
Requires 20 points in Auction Mastery
1 Gold cost to cast
Instant cast5 minute cooldown
Allows you to teleport to Ogrimmar, Ironforge, or Gadgetzan.
Auction - Tier 6
GG Lag - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 35
Requires 25 points in Auction Mastery
Instant cast2 hour cooldown
Randomly forces 3 people in the Auction House to log off, helping to clear up lag.
Auction - Tier 7
Grim Trigger - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 40
Requires 30 points in Auction Mastery
Instant cast1 day cooldown
Expires all auctions that are cheaper than your auctions.
Under the "Ninja" Talent Tree
Luck of the Gambler - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 10
All your rolls get +1 added to them (capped at the maximum value).
Kill Steal - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 10
Instant cast30 min cooldown
For the next ten minutes, you may loot from any 2 corpses that are not yours.
Ninja - Tier 2
Pickpocket - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 15
Requires 5 points in Ninja Mastery
1 sec cast1 hour cooldown
You may steal 6 silver from everyone in a 1 yard radius by typing:
'/me pickpockets you for 6s.'
Ninja Name - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 15
Requires 5 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast8 hour cooldown
Your name is randomly changed to that of a player that is currently logged off. If that player logs on, whispers will be randomly split between both players. Effect lasts 1 hour.
Ninja - Tier 3
Selfish Desires - rank 1/5
Minimum Level: 20
Requires 5 points in Luck of the Gambler
Requires 10 points in Ninja Mastery
Increases your odds of being picked to loot a corpse by 'group loot' by 1%.
Ninja - Tier 4
Disguise: Warrior - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 25
Requires 15 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Changes your class name to 'warrior'. You will still actually be a farmer and keep your talent trees, but appear as a warrior to everyone else. You also gain access to warrior abilities up to your current level without having to train, but you inflict 90% less damage. You may not equip any warrior-specific armor or weapons that you cannot already equip. You gain a rage bar. You do not gain access to any warrior talents. Lasts until canceled.
Disguise: Rogue - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 25
Requires 15 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Changes your class name to 'rogue'. You will still actually be a farmer and keep your talent trees, but appear as a rogue to everyone else. You also gain access to rogue abilities up to your current level without having to train, but you inflict 90% less damage. You may not equip any rogue-specific armor or weapons that you cannot already equip. You gain an energy bar. You do not gain access to any rogue talents. Lasts until canceled.
Disguise: Hunter - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 25
Requires 15 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Changes your class name to 'hunter'. You will still actually be a farmer and keep your talent trees, but appear as a hunter to everyone else. You also gain access to hunter abilities up to your current level without having to train, but you inflict 60% less damage. You may not equip any hunter-specific armor or weapons that you cannot already equip. You gain a mana bar. You do not gain access to any hunter talents, nor can you tame a pet.
Ninja - Tier 5
Disguise: Mage - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 30
Requires 20 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Changes your class name to 'mage'. You will still actually be a farmer and keep your talent trees, but appear as a mage to everyone else. You also gain access to mage abilities up to your current level without having to train, but you inflict 90% less damage. You may not equip any mage-specific armor or weapons that you cannot already equip. You gain a mana bar. You do not gain access to any mage talents. Lasts until canceled.
Disguise: Warlock - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 30
Requires 20 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Changes your class name to 'warlock'. You will still actually be a farmer and keep your talent trees, but appear as a warlock to everyone else. You also gain access to warlock abilities up to your current level without having to train, but you inflict 60% less damage. You may not equip any warlock-specific armor or weapons that you cannot already equip. You gain a mana bar. You do not gain access to any warlock talents. You may not summon pets. Lasts until canceled.
Disguise: Paladin-Shaman - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 30
Requires 20 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Changes your class name to either 'paladin' or 'shaman', depending on your faction. You will still actually be a farmer and keep your talent trees, but appear as a paladin/shaman to everyone else. You also gain access to paladin/shaman abilities up to your current level without having to train, but you inflict 60% less damage and heal for 90% less health. You may not equip any paladin-specific/shaman-specific armor or weapons that you cannot already equip. You gain a mana bar. You do not gain access to any paladin/shaman talents. You may not summon totems. Lasts until canceled.
Ninja - Tier 6
Disguise: Druid - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 35
Requires 25 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Changes your class name to 'druid'. You will still actually be a farmer and keep your talent trees, but appear as a druid to everyone else. You also gain access to druid abilities up to your current level without having to train, but you inflict 60% less damage and heal for 90% less health. You may not equip any druid-specific armor or weapons that you cannot already equip. You gain a mana bar. You may not shapeshift. You do not gain access to any druid talents. Lasts until canceled.
Greed Before Need - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 35
Requires 5 points in Selfish Desires
Requires 25 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast1.5 hour cooldown
Your next need roll will look like a greed roll to the rest of the party. The information box will appear to calculate the winner as if you greed rolled. If your need roll wins, the item will be silently deposited in your backpack and will not be given to the 'winner', despite what the message text may say.
Disguise: Priest - rank 1/3
Minimum Level: 35
Requires 25 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast5 min cooldown
Changes your class name to 'priest'. You will still actually be a farmer and keep your talent trees, but appear as a priest to everyone ese. You also gain access to priest abilities up to your current level without having to train, but you inflict 90% less damage and heal for 90% less health. You may not equip any priest-specific armor or weapons that you cannot already equip. You gain a mana bar. You do not gain access to any priest talents. Lasts until canceled.
Ninja - Tier 7
Ninja Loot - rank 1/1
Minimum Level: 40
Requires 1 points in Greed Before Need
Requires 30 points in Ninja Mastery
Instant cast2 day cooldown
You become the master looter for the next 10 secnds.
~Not all who wander are lost...~