chippydip,Nov 30 2005, 02:17 AM Wrote:2) Similarly, while I understand that it is frustrating to watch another player kill mobs or gather resources that you need for a quest or other objective (I've certainly experienced plenty of this myself), I think this is a very egocentric argument. I fail to see how one player has any more right to kill a mob or collect an item than any other player in the game world. This sort of problem happens in the real world all the time--I can wait in line an buy the last two Xboxes so that I can sell one on eBay. Is this fair to the guy in line behind me that didn't get one because I bought "his"? Maybe (and some places use "one-per-customer" limits to prevent this), but then again, maybe not (I *was* in line before the guy, so presumably I can buy whatever is available when its by turn and he is stuck with whatever is left). In both the real world and the virtual world, the decision of what is "right" is really a moral judgement that is left up to each individual user. That's one of the things that makes MMORPGs unique is that a player may choose any set of morals they want to play their character by. Do something that pissed off other characters? You're perfectly allowed to do that, but watch out if you ever need help with anything down the line. The "Golden Rule" is often a good moral framework in a game where cooperation is essential (especially for the end-game raids) but these ethics certainly aren't required.
Ok, I read through that whole thing, but this is the only real point I feel moved to respond to.
One of the big main problems with farmers is that they have no manners or show any in-game courtesy. In my situation, there was a total of 20 possible tappable mobs. I needed 10 of them for my quest. With some luck (as one type shared a spawn point with the other two types, so it was possible to not see any of them until you cleared some others away and got a repop) I could get all 10 in one trip, if no farmers were around.
So, there I am, trying to kill for a quest on a very limited spawn, and in addition to that have to deal with people who never leave the area racing for mobs too. I could deal with that, but these folk also trained mobs onto me. They'd steal kills (How, after I'd tapped it, I have no freaking clue). They would generally make themselves extraordinarily irksome.
That is the problem. I have no problem with other PLAYERS in the area. People on the same quest (I'd usually group up with them), or other Alliance people in the area looking for faction (Usually group with them, too), or Alliance/Horde people looking for these mobs for the Major Pots/Firewater. I felt that THOSE players had every right to the mob if they beat me to it. They operated the same way with me. If I'd put my Hunter's Mark on a target, they didn't swoop in and attack it, they moved to the next one. If by some fluke a chest spawned while I was fighting the pair guarding the area, they let me get the chest instead of running in and stealing it.
Where most people (that I've talked to) have problems with farmers is their beyond rude behaviour, especially to those playing the game for fun, instead of a job. These farmers are not players. They are not there to have fun. They are working, there to make money, and they don't care who they step on while the do.
That is why they don't belong in a 'fun' environment. They ruin where they are for everyone else, and I don't mean by adding gold/items into the 'economy'.
~Not all who wander are lost...~