Nice of Blizzard to screw over casual raiders
LavCat,Nov 22 2005, 06:11 PM Wrote:I don't fully understand the issue, but I think you may protest too much.  Consider people in small guilds who would love a chance at finishing high end content or who would at least like to see some of it in their lifetime.  It seems you have it pretty good either way.
I am quite happy that our alliance was able to actually get into the high end content. I'm very pissed that I get to raid one day out of the week. Thankfully, our leaders understand that frustration and do rotations on when we start instances so I no longer get to see just the beginning of Molten Core. While we were still learning MC, the only boss fights I ever got to see were Luci and Mags. The only chances for equipment upgrades I had were off of Luci and Mags. And they sure as hell weren't dropping priest items when we were doing that. We did switch so we'd open MC on Thursday one cycle, open on Saturday for the next cycle and then open on Monday for the next so those folks who only got to raid one day a week didn't see the same crap over and over and over. It had gotten so bad that we had bosses on farm status that I had never seen yet despite raiding every Thursday. And I really, really enjoy the learning stages of the raids. The possible drops are only interesting to me because in order to be not a total liability in the next learning stages, I need to have better equipment. The new content when it is actually new to most of our alliance is where the fun lies for me at level 60. The more raids I miss, the less I get in on the learning and just have to deal with the tedium of farming the instance.

I'm sure our alliance leaders will figure out something to lessen the blow of this asinine decision, but even if we throw in another raid day to try to keep a rotating schedule, that means I'm missing out on not just 2/3 of the learning, but 3/4 or 4/5 instead. You can call me a drama queen or chicken little all you want, but learning these instances with our Avarice alliance is the only enjoyment left on Stormrage for me. If I'm reduced to only farming instances instead of being able to help learn new things, what's the point in continuing to play there? If my only enjoyment is gone or severely curtailed, why bother when I know I can go have fun elsewhere? Yes, I will horribly miss a lot of the folks on Stormrage (too many to list them all by name), but why bother going on the runs if I can't help others or progress my character either? (The amount of points I gain compared to how little priest loot drops means that it will be months before I get the gear I need to really help in BWL and beyond and I'm quite sure that folks will be damned tired of farming MC anyway by that time.)
Intolerant monkey.

Messages In This Thread
Nice of Blizzard to screw over casual raiders - by Treesh - 11-23-2005, 02:30 AM

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