11-17-2005, 01:54 AM
Concillian,Nov 16 2005, 04:38 PM Wrote:First run was quick and painless. 3 level 60s make a princess run nice and quick, especially when they are tank / healer / DPS. From Landslide to leaving the instance was about 30 minutes. We skipped Gizlock, so Flash can still look forward to the Focal Sword.
I agree with getting them up quick for some high level fun. We will then have enough for a 5 man questing + small raid group for loot somewhere or even a UBRS raid.
We grabbed Gorkuk and hopped in, forgetting to reset. Luckily we had skipped Gizlock and there were no repops, so we killed Gizlock.
Gizlock continues to be very very stingy with his gun.
I thought things went very smoothly.
If I look at how a group run goes and am looking at people not playing tank or healer, I look for the following:
1. Crowd control
Sometimes it takes a while to get used to using regular crowd control with people you haven't grouped with before. Pubbie experience with sheep for example might teach people bad habits. We only had one sheep popped the whole time, and that was an accidental keypress. I call that a resounding success.
2. Aggro control
Can the DPS characters shoot the right target at the right time, or are they drawing aggro? This was harder to measure for our Maraudon runs -- with a level 60 tank it'd be pretty hard to pull aggro from them. Seemed to me all the right things were being done, i.e. wait for the tank to establish aggro. Good job here too.
3. Focus fire
Do DPS characters focus their fire on a well-locked mob so as to reduce incoming damage by quickly reducing the number of mobs? We had Shadowe act as main assist for the first run and I thought she did a fine job. Everyone followed her lead correctly. I think a hunter as main assist is a bit more difficult because typically you are out of range of the visible health bars which help you pick the most appropriate next target more easily.
4. Stupid behavior
Ever seen people wander off and pull mobs on their own or other stupid behavior? Well there certainly was none of that!
If you're looking for specific feedback -- all I can say is that I thought you guys know very well what you're doing so I can't offer any tips. I'm excited to have you guys catch up and hopefully join us on Fridays regularly.