Avarice Alliance - "Off Days" for raiding
Gnollguy,Nov 16 2005, 07:27 PM Wrote:Well I've mentioned it before. I have horrible luck finding much of anything but mithril and small thorium in Burning Steppes.  I get my best ore rate when I stay in the caves killing ogres and getting the 3 or 4 DIO nodes that can pop in there but there are a lot of others that camp in there as well.  But at least I get to farm some runecloth that was too.  People tell me they have 16 RTV's mapped there I have 8 now and know of 2 more.  I have about 4 DIO spawns not ogre cave mapped and know of one more.  Unlike Un'Goro where I know the spawn groups well (if something spawns on the volcano I know where to go in Terror run to get another 2 nodes) I have no idea of this in BS becuase if I hit a node by luck I can't beat anyone to the other spots to even see if the stuff spawns in before they might have it mined.

I've also gone to Searing Gorge and there are a few DIO spawns that I know about there but since I have several thorium users I still like to get a shot at it.  And I've tried every day of the week the only time frame I haven't tried is 4am to 6am server time.

If you don't mind Gnolack making your armorsmith stuff I think it makes more sense for us to try and coordinate professions that are doing the push.  No sense to me in having 2 armorsmiths at revered and no tailors or enchanters or leatherworkers or whatever..

Oh, I was orginally planning on Andar going for the reputation. But with what I have seen, I have been leaning more and more to just having Littledude do it instead for now.

And an important note about the Dark Iron Deposits (DIDs); there are no special spawns of them anywhere in Searing Gorge or Burning Steppes. ALL mineral nodes in those areas have a chance of spawning as DIDs. I have mapped a lot of nodes prior to the change in those areas and in everyone of the cases I have seen both the orginal mineral type spawning and a DID spawning in the same spot. The DIDs are effectively the special spawn of all mineral deposits in those two zones.

Messages In This Thread
Avarice Alliance - "Off Days" for raiding - by Ruvanal - 11-17-2005, 12:17 AM

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