Avarice Alliance - "Off Days" for raiding
Soraia,Nov 16 2005, 10:31 AM Wrote:I'm concerned that I might raid too much in a given week so there are times I think about scaling back.  Also, like WildFire, I'm trying to get Phaedra to Revered with Thorium Brotherhood -- but as a tailor/enchanter, this requires farming coin and gaming the Auction House. 

OK here's the thing and I know after some of my comments this is going to sound like I'm taking a different stance. If you don't want to raid because you are raiding to much then don't raid. This would be a lot easier if we consistently got say 50 people signed up so that people could volunteer out of raids. Yes I realize that I've griped about people not making raids it looks like they can make but that specifically seems to be raids where they know that chances of loot dropping are just about zero. Yes I realize it is your time and that there are other goals but we need people on the non loot raids almost more than we need them on loot raids. I'm confident, given the right class balance aside that we could do all our "first night" bosses in MC with just 30 people. Shazz would be significantly tougher (but I think Shazz is one of the hardest boss fights in MC now), but Luci, Mags, Gehennas, Garr (if we have the locks), and Geddon should pose no major problems to a 30 man balanced raid. I think we still need 35 at least for Onyxia because she has gotten much harder to control in the Phase 2 to 3 transition, much harder to get initial aggro on and much harder to get her move to an ideal spot so we lose more people.

I also realize the pressure to go to raids to get more points so you don't "fall behind" but I can tell you that it isn't that big a deal. Remember I have 3 toons that are raiding so it basically is like I am 3 people that raid once a week as far as points go. I'll still get my loots when I want them. Darian misses raids frequently as well and it hasn't seemed to hurt him really either.

Now yes I realize that if you want to do a 5 man and everyone else is in the raid you can't. But remember the off day basically means 3 days one week, 2 day the next week, 3 days the next week, 2 days the next week. So it's not really much less raiding than we are doing now. Every other week we raid 2 nights instead of 3 as that off day cycles through Monday, Thursday, Saturday.

So I guess my leaning is to still do an event that takes a large number of people over doing smaller things if for no other reason than the Sat only or Thurs only, or Monday only people would be down to 3 nights a month if that day has no big raid. And while there are really only about 10 people in that boat, that's enough for me to be concerned about it.

As for thorium brotherhood rep. Gnolack is also grinding to revered and eventually exhalted. I think I need 1880 more Dark Iron ore (or equivalent mats) to to revered so I'm only 620 ore into the grind. While I can mine the ore myself attempts to do so have been pretty poor. Without an epic mount I'm at a horrible disadvantage to the farmers in Burning Steppes and over the last 2 weeks there have been at least 5 of them there at pretty much all hours of the day when I have checked. It may in fact be faster to farm gold and buy the ore or what not than to try and find and mine ore for it yourself. Yes I realize that I just said it might be faster to farm 2400 gold than to farm 2400 dark iron ore. My last 4 sets of 2 hours of grinding for ore yielded 32 dark iron ore. So yep I'm at 32 ore per 8 hours or 4 ore an hour right now. Ore is actually less than 1 gold per ore usually. Even I can grind more than 1 gold an hour.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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Avarice Alliance - "Off Days" for raiding - by Kevin - 11-16-2005, 04:02 PM

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