Gnollguy,Nov 15 2005, 11:01 AM Wrote:OK these options are in discussion by the raid council and raid leaders right now but I want feeback from other avarice members. I'm having an odd day so cross posting to other boards isn't working for me right now. Could someone do that for me?Â
Anyway we want to keep a 4 day raid cycle so we can keep rotating the day of the week we open Molten Core so people that can only make one or two days a week still have chances to see all the content and have chances at the loot that only certain bosses drop. Doing anything other than a rotating start date is disservice to our raiders that don't have the time to raid all the time but are still a big part of our success.
So we raid Monday, Thursday, and Saturday night. Molten Core will be condensed to a 2 night affair, not 3. We want to have one day a cycle in Blackwing Lair because we have the gear to kill Razorgore and we want to start learning the other encounters. That leaves an "off day" in the raid cycle. The ideas I had for what we could on that off day are as follows:
So I see the following options to keep the start of MC on a cycle (and I really want it on a cycle because of people that can only make one or two days a week).
1. Have an off day. We raid Monday, Thursday, Saturday. The next Monday is off and we open MC on Thursday. Then the next Thurs would be off and we open MC on Saturday. The off day can still be organized for 5 mans or 10-15 man loot raids or outdoor questing or alts gone wild or for nothing at all.
2. We add a 2nd BWL day. This will happen at some point but makes no sense now since we aren't killing things in BWL at the moment.
3. Have a ZG day in the rotation that we work as a start or continuation of another ZG run or that is just a stand alone with going one way one week and another way another week. It just means those people won't get Hakkar, but ZG is set-up in a way that lets you choose your bosses.
4. If 1.9 comes out soon we can put the silithus raid dungeons in the rotation.
5. Hunt world bosses
6. Bump the rotation start with the floating Ony schedule as Darian mentioned (since that post isn't here basically if we kill Ony on Wed, and Thurs was the star of MC, we move the start of MC to Sat and leave Thursday out and basically an open day to do whatever. If Ony is killed on a Friday Saturday becomes the open day really just a way to schedule option 1).
7. Have an MC trash day (this would, ideally, be done with Luci and Mags alive so we can get core leather as well). I doubt we'd get a lot of sign up for this but it would give us more crafting mats to make Rag easier. It would also give us more core leather and Dark Iron ore that could go to a crafter rep fund. Gnolack is 1880 (I think) Dark Iron ore from Revered (Dark Iron Leggings and Dark Iron Gloves) and a long way away from Exhalted (Dark Iron Boots).
8. Have a PvP night. Either in Battlegrounds or out in the world.
9. Have another shot at domo if the raid lock is still in place just for more practice
Anyway those were my thoughts. Raid council has not decided anything yet. This Thursday was potentially our first off day but since we did do a 3 day MC run it might be a BWL attempt. Of course since that would be very short notice now it might not be. However I really hate leaving our Thursday only people that want to raid out in the cold.
Anyway I want some feed back from members on this since the council doesn't seem to really be able to make a good decision on it right now.
Option 10: Domo and MC trash. Basically clear everything on the way to Domo for practice (this will probably disappear once we're satisfied with our Domo kill process). This leaves out getting core leather, but it does give us a lot more opportunities for Cores, BoEs, and DIO.
I'm up for whatever is put in place. I would rather stick the off day right now to trash in MC so we can get more of the materials we need for fighting Rag and then also Vael and other BWL bosses.
The problem I see with using the Off day for world bosses is the likelihood that they would actually be up when we want to make a run at them AND get there before anyone else does. World bosses has always been a big mistake in other MMORPGs so I'm surprised that Blizzard fell into the same trap.
With Z'G, I think throwing that into the rotation would actually be a bad idea. Reason being is the 20 man cap and the number of runs we have going right now may cause more problems that solve with people being either locked out or not enough people to fill out a second run with a good mixture of classes. The same should be said for the 20 man Ahn'Qiraj instance once 1.9 comes about.
So, options 1, 2, 6 - 9 look good to me, but options 3 - 5 don't for the above reasons (and option 9 will probably disappear once we're satisfied with our progress on killing Domo).
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset
Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.