druid raiding talk
So a friend messaged me on IM today asking "How much do you remember about mana regen with your priest?" which pretty much left me saying the equivalent of "ummmm...some?" So then he goes on to state the following things:
Quote:I am trying to determine the best mana conservancy for my druid in onyxia fights.

I currently have almost EVERY blue usuable item in the game that is leather 50+, and most of the better cloth blues.  I have a healing gear setup with ~450 to healing, a mana regen set up with ~70 mana regened every 5 sec.  Druids with talents also get 15% mana regen while casting.  4 spirit is 2.5 regen per 5 sec for numeric purposes.  The MAX regen you can currently get is 98 regen/5 or 157 spirit.  In full wild heart with rings, ammys, cloak I usually run around 250 spirit

my target number which i tested in an onyxia raid was 55 mana regen with 200 to healing gear and 50 FR unbuffed.  this would need 367 spirit... Im not even sure thats possible for my char

So since I've only ever played a druid to 35 and have never done any 40 man raiding with any character I have (my comp can't handle the load), I'm kind of at a loss as to what to say to him. Thats where you all come in, show him some lurker love. : ) How should a druid be played in Onyxia? What items are good for that? What balance of stats? Etc etc. You all should know what needs answered better than I do since I've never been there. : )

edit: btw, I've already linked him this thread by GG with some discussion in it.

Messages In This Thread
druid raiding talk - by swirly - 11-01-2005, 02:23 PM
druid raiding talk - by Crusader - 11-01-2005, 04:35 PM

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