FCOMAN,Oct 28 2005, 08:40 PM Wrote:#1 When does defense start to give diminishing returns?
#2 How much is Ar is need to hit 30-40k defense chars?
#3 Can someone please point me to good some calculator(s), that way i won't [right][snapback]93493[/snapback][/right]
#1 Any after 1 (no, not 1k, just plain old _1_) give you less return than the previous
#2 What level are you (roughtly)? Are they? How OFTEN do you want to hit them (auto-hit is 5% that's 1 hit for every 20 swings)
beginedit: (missed that you said you wanted 45% chance)
Assuming your the same or similar level then the attacker/defender levels would amount to 1/2 (50%) multiplied by the constant of 2 that makes it 100%, You said you wanted 45% chance to hit so assuming that they have 35,000 defense you would need roughly 29,000 AR to hit them 45% of the time.
#3 I think there are some on the main page, Haven't played DII in, like, months.