10-28-2005, 10:42 PM
Gnollguy,Oct 28 2005, 05:37 PM Wrote:As a note Meowry has 4780 armor and 3138 HP. But the one big advantage she has right now is that I'm over leveled. She's L55 so with that higher def and the way level differences work she'll have some extra damage avoidance from that. Spreading around the damage actually helps the healing for Mogo, oddly enough. We learned that early on in the silly duoing of instances we've done. If one of us is taking too much damage too quickly, one of the other two (yes, Meowry counts as a full party member :P ) steps in and takes some damage while I heal the "main" offtank. It only starts to get dicey when I'm having to tank and heal, but that's what the full points in improved healing wave and/or warstomp is for. ;) The other offtank can just bandage up if need be after they've done their offtanking job and the main offtank is back in business. Bandages aren't just for rogues and mages in Molten Core. ;) :D
If we need to Marn can pull aggro and be a damage soak for a bit as well. Only 3052 HP but I do have 17.62% dodge with Monkey up and 4.40% parry. But since I still have a lot of leather armor I'm only 1771 armor (25.6% reduction). But we can have me pull the heat for a little bit burn down some of my HP, then I can disengage or FD to shed the aggro since hopefully one of the better tanks will have their health back then.
Again just another option. I need to remember to get the few good pieces of food I have out of the bank before heading in though. :)
Intolerant monkey.