Sensible and tasty chicken recipes
[ Wrote:Angel,Oct 5 2005, 06:10 AM]

I quickly came to the realisation that I know very few recipes for marinating
chicken fillets. Cue The Lurker Lounge and its gourmet-like patrons! (Da-dadda-da!)

IIt gives the chicken a nice juicy hot flavour.

Let the cookery commence!

A marinade I use pre stir fry, and pre George Foreman Grill for making chicken sandwiches . . .

Four Chicken Breasts (remove obvious globs of fat)

In a bowl, combine

2 TBSP olive oil
1/2 cup dry white win or white cooking wine
1/4 cup distilled vinegar
1/4 cup lemon or lime juice
Zest from one lemon or lime (Either use a fine grater or a "zester" to get the skin of the lime)
1 TSP Basil
1/2 TSP Salt
1 TSP Ground Pepper (If you don't have a pepper mill, shame on you! :wacko: )
1/2 TSP Taragon

Combine ingredients, then simmer for 10-15 minutes. (Or nuke at med heat for 3 minutes in microwave.) Let stand for 10 minutes. Put chicken breasts in bowl or small square baking dish, and cover with marinade over them. Cover bowl, and put in fridge at least an hour before cooking. This is a mildly sweet marinade without sugar, due to the taragon.

For sandwiches, grill chicken the usual amount. For insertion into a wrap or large tortilla, grill/cook the chicken, then chop into 3/4 inch cubes. For stir fry, chop into the sized chicken hunks or strips you prefer for stirfry.

If using for stir fry, you can put the remaining marinade into the Wok, boil down as appropriate, I find it adds a nice flavor to carrots, celery, peppers and mushrooms.


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Messages In This Thread
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by vor_lord - 10-24-2005, 03:24 AM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by Guest - 10-24-2005, 11:55 AM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by Occhidiangela - 10-24-2005, 02:17 PM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by Ashock - 10-24-2005, 06:44 PM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by Minionman - 10-24-2005, 09:08 PM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by Ashock - 10-24-2005, 10:08 PM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by Doc - 10-24-2005, 11:54 PM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by DeeBye - 10-25-2005, 03:29 AM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by whyBish - 10-25-2005, 05:09 AM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by Kruxx06 - 10-25-2005, 06:52 PM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by ima_nerd - 10-25-2005, 09:37 PM
Sensible and tasty chicken recipes - by Doc - 10-28-2005, 08:36 PM

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