Quote:Are the Rheinland ships you refer to the ones that suddenly appeared in Liberty space?
Yeah, the big green gunboat-looking ships (actually Valkyrie-class heavy fighters, but they look big enough to be gunboats IMO, and Rheinland "gunboats" are more like light cruisers) were the ones I meant. Their green plasma pulse guns seem to tear down shields really fast. Just wait until you have to take on an entire fleet. <_<
Quote:Anyway, now that those fights have bankrupted me (batteries are expensive, you know), is their any way to MAKE MONEY FAST?
If you check the bars on different bases, sometimes someone will offer to sell you information (the little "I in circle" icon). Sometimes this is just info about a base, but other times they'll mark the location of an abandoned wreck on your navmap. Fly to it, shoot it, and out pops a bunch of goodies (varies by wreck, and is always constant). You can also just fly around randomly too, but you're less likely to find anything that way.
Two really nice wrecks should be available to you now: In the lower-left corner of the D5 sector in California, and in the lower-right corner of 6C in New York. Both of these wrecks have various guns and turrets, but more importantly each will drop 20 units of Cardamine, which sells for $1,500/unit on Manhattan. Cardamine's illegal though, so hope that you aren't scanned by the LSF on your way there... :ph34r:
Quote: know you can switch to a freighter and haul cargo, but what's the deal with mining? I don't think that's explained in the manual (or at least, not very well.)
Open up your navmap, and click on the "minable areas" option. Then go to one, and shoot the little flying rocks (NOT the big asteroid ones that bounce you around, the "shootable" ones are much smaller, and your targetting reticle will turn white when over one). If it drops anything, tractor it in. That's really all there is to mining...
Quote:The range of the lasers are only 600 meters (I think), so when closing in on an enemy, you can get a few missiles off before the furball begins.
Yeah, but cannon shots can't be shot down, and missiles most assuredly can. If you're approaching head-on, they probably will be, too. Ad then there's the annoying tendency of multiple missiles (if fired all at once) to collide and detonate prematurely while tracking a target. I agree they're great if they hit, but the percentage of hits is too low for me, personally.
I swear by torpedos, though. Nothing like 1200+ points of damage to ruin a cruiser's day.
Quote:Get something aside from the defender, to be frank, its a bus. It turns like crap and i'd take ANY maneuverable ship over the defender any day, you will survive much longer when you can maneuver well.
I kind of agree. While maneuverability is an advantage, it's not really much of one because of the way movement is handled. At some point you will need to keep your reticle targetted on an enemy, and then you effectively lose your maneuverability. Also, light fighters lose the other advantage they should have: speed. If lights had a combat speed of 120 or something, I'd be all over them, but since every player-pilotable ship in the game has the exact same top speed, what's the point?
Oh, and once you get used to HFs, LFs seem too twitchy. I've spent so much time in Defenders, Crusaders, and Dragons that I can barely pilot a Patriot or Drake.
- WL