10-18-2005, 08:59 PM
anadrol,Oct 18 2005, 02:33 PM Wrote:2. 20% life rule on adds to hard to implement. The guards are hitting to hard to tank them all down, we should be focuing on FOCUSED DPS on targets that have wariors/paladins on them to hold aggro. all of the raid waiting for dps targets and mark will be really necessary.I respectfully disagree. The 20% life rule is not too hard. We do this with the Thekal encounter in Zul'Gurub already. (I believe this is done for core hound packs as well but I've not been on a pre-Garr MC run since before Labor Day.)
I believe we can overcome the issue about tanking the Flamewalker Elite guards. This is really a mana issue and we healers can find a way to manage this.
The bit about burning the mobs down to 20% before popping the last sheep makes sense to me. We have a relatively controlled environment at that point that we should make use of. By burning them down to 20% ahead of time, we can burn them down that much faster when we no longer have any priests sheeped.