FrenziedFlayer - lvl 40ish frenzybarb; gogo desynch! :P
Gatling_Too - lvl 30ish bowazon; reprisal of my CD2 Miss_Gatling who has vanished into the mists of bnet
DedGrlWalkin - lvl 20ish Trapsin; first HC char in years, first assassin - Lots 'O Fun!
I'm game for any game - especially team variant-type stuff. I miss my D1 variants.... *sniff*
oh - usually in the Amazon Basin channel/games, usually late-night.
*edited to update clvls.
FrenziedFlayer - lvl 40ish frenzybarb; gogo desynch! :P
Gatling_Too - lvl 30ish bowazon; reprisal of my CD2 Miss_Gatling who has vanished into the mists of bnet
DedGrlWalkin - lvl 20ish Trapsin; first HC char in years, first assassin - Lots 'O Fun!
I'm game for any game - especially team variant-type stuff. I miss my D1 variants.... *sniff*
oh - usually in the Amazon Basin channel/games, usually late-night.
*edited to update clvls.
Welcome to the Lounge. Hope you brought your portable bomb shelter. - Roland