05-06-2003, 08:00 AM
Melee Necro is fun!
Using Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone as a template, I started this necro to see how far I could get (this is SP players 8). I am now nearly finished with act 3 NM.
The Melnibonean at level 58
STR~ 150 ...will be going to 232 for the highest plate possible. Elric's strength was augmented by potions in the books, but I will use charms and item bonuses for the same effect.
DEX~110 ... which is the requirement for elite swords. Dex is actually 129 due to item bonuses now. Elric was not a slouch in the agility dept.
VIT~76...Elric was somewhat sickly in the books because of the inbreeding of the royal family, but STORMBRINGER solved that problem.
ENG~45... with my bahamut's ring I have just enough mana to summon ARIOCH (max Fire Golem + max Golem Mastery).
I have a rogue sidekick named Moonglum though sometimes she calls herself Rackhir the Red or Basanti, which is what her mother Akara called her.
Generally I trade up to more damaging swords as I progress thru the game, always socketing at least one skull, so that STORMBRINGER will always possess it's life stealing attribute. Sometimes in the heat of battle, when things look grim, I call out to my patron Arioch and he comes to my aid. Sometimes he also augments my cursed blade Stormbringer in its life stealing ability (life tap lvl 5). "Blood and Souls for my Lord Arioch!!" Also the sound of my blade howling thru the air causes many foes to flee in Terror or to cringe in Decrepit horror as my blade cuts them down, while feeding their life essence to me.
Moonglum has an excellent bow known as Skystrike, which she claimed from the dead body of a demon as we travelled over the deserts of Aranoch. It has a most wondrous property of calling meteors from the heavens. She is always near by my side, shooting her arrows of flame and ice, and doing a greater part of the killing when Arioch is unable or unwilling to heed my pleas for succor...
So Far... and so far to go...
I plan to keep pushing until I can go no farther with this build. In sp I may or may not find Stormbringer's sister sword Doombringer, but I am hoping for it, yes I am. Also hope to find a good rare ancient plate to wear somewhwere down the road. Perhaps Arioch will bless me with a particularly rich monster at some point, since I will not bow to the god of Twink.
My items are not that great, I am still wearing the Venom Ward Breastplate I found in Normal difficulty. I have a rare circlet with small resists and a +1 to necro skills and the bahamut's and a Manald Heal ring. other items are of not much note. Curses are what make this character actually work, The fire golem is an almost indestructible tank and monster magnet. The rogue has saved my skinny pale butt MANY times...but terror,amp damage, decrepify and life tap are my real mainstays. I have 1 point in all curses and couple more in the ones I mentioned, mostly decrepify. 1 point in bone armor early on to help thru the early portions of normal, other wise NO points in poison/bone tree. 1 point in each Golem and 20 to Fire Golem and Golem mastery and 1 in summon resist. NO points to skeletons, revives or skeleton mastery. Resistances are my main problem but blocking works well with such high dex. High-end uniques just haven't happened yet so I will just keep using the chippie recipe on the swords I find until a reasonable facsimile of the real Stormbringer pops out someday. Two handed with lifesteal is mostly what I use, Sometimes one-handed w/shield. Elric would never carry around a head in a bottle.
Having fun is more important than being all-powerful, and this guy is a lot of fun.
Have fun,
Using Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone as a template, I started this necro to see how far I could get (this is SP players 8). I am now nearly finished with act 3 NM.
The Melnibonean at level 58
STR~ 150 ...will be going to 232 for the highest plate possible. Elric's strength was augmented by potions in the books, but I will use charms and item bonuses for the same effect.
DEX~110 ... which is the requirement for elite swords. Dex is actually 129 due to item bonuses now. Elric was not a slouch in the agility dept.
VIT~76...Elric was somewhat sickly in the books because of the inbreeding of the royal family, but STORMBRINGER solved that problem.
ENG~45... with my bahamut's ring I have just enough mana to summon ARIOCH (max Fire Golem + max Golem Mastery).
I have a rogue sidekick named Moonglum though sometimes she calls herself Rackhir the Red or Basanti, which is what her mother Akara called her.
Generally I trade up to more damaging swords as I progress thru the game, always socketing at least one skull, so that STORMBRINGER will always possess it's life stealing attribute. Sometimes in the heat of battle, when things look grim, I call out to my patron Arioch and he comes to my aid. Sometimes he also augments my cursed blade Stormbringer in its life stealing ability (life tap lvl 5). "Blood and Souls for my Lord Arioch!!" Also the sound of my blade howling thru the air causes many foes to flee in Terror or to cringe in Decrepit horror as my blade cuts them down, while feeding their life essence to me.
Moonglum has an excellent bow known as Skystrike, which she claimed from the dead body of a demon as we travelled over the deserts of Aranoch. It has a most wondrous property of calling meteors from the heavens. She is always near by my side, shooting her arrows of flame and ice, and doing a greater part of the killing when Arioch is unable or unwilling to heed my pleas for succor...
So Far... and so far to go...
I plan to keep pushing until I can go no farther with this build. In sp I may or may not find Stormbringer's sister sword Doombringer, but I am hoping for it, yes I am. Also hope to find a good rare ancient plate to wear somewhwere down the road. Perhaps Arioch will bless me with a particularly rich monster at some point, since I will not bow to the god of Twink.
My items are not that great, I am still wearing the Venom Ward Breastplate I found in Normal difficulty. I have a rare circlet with small resists and a +1 to necro skills and the bahamut's and a Manald Heal ring. other items are of not much note. Curses are what make this character actually work, The fire golem is an almost indestructible tank and monster magnet. The rogue has saved my skinny pale butt MANY times...but terror,amp damage, decrepify and life tap are my real mainstays. I have 1 point in all curses and couple more in the ones I mentioned, mostly decrepify. 1 point in bone armor early on to help thru the early portions of normal, other wise NO points in poison/bone tree. 1 point in each Golem and 20 to Fire Golem and Golem mastery and 1 in summon resist. NO points to skeletons, revives or skeleton mastery. Resistances are my main problem but blocking works well with such high dex. High-end uniques just haven't happened yet so I will just keep using the chippie recipe on the swords I find until a reasonable facsimile of the real Stormbringer pops out someday. Two handed with lifesteal is mostly what I use, Sometimes one-handed w/shield. Elric would never carry around a head in a bottle.
Having fun is more important than being all-powerful, and this guy is a lot of fun.
Have fun,