10-01-2005, 05:18 PM
Hit has been 13 Arms/rest Fury since level 50 or so (she's 56 now). I really enjoy it even though I sometimes miss the big numbers that fly with 2h weapon MS or Overpower. I can still hit 900's critting with Heroic Strike though.
I've respecced a lot, and will probably do it again (I think I paid 20g last time). Here's my current build:
3/3 Improved Heroic Strike
2/5 Deflection
5/5 Tactical Mastery
1/1 Anger Management
2/2 Improved Overpower
5/5 Cruelty
5/5 Imp Demoralizing Shout
2/5 Unbridled Wrath (working on maxing this now)
1/1 Piercing Howl
5/5 Imp Battle Shout
5/5 Enrage
2/2 Imp Execute
2/5 Dual-Wield Specialization
1/1 Death Wish
5/5 Flurry
1/1 Bloodthirst
If I respec again I'll probably drop Dual-Wield spec for something else (Imp Beserker Rage?) as I've heard that it's really not worth the talent points. Improved Execute is questionable for PvE grinding but good for boss fights. I took Improved Heroic Strike because there really aren't any good rage dumps in the Fury line except for Bloodthirst. You generate so much rage so quickly that it's nice to have a place to dump it. I've noticed that I don't use it as much as I used to though- I tend to wait till I have enough rage to use a Bloodthirst. It's somewhat viable tanking as it is a high-threat attack.
If you're looking to be a DPS Fury warrior then I've heard good things about taking Improved Slam and just spamming that with a high-damage 2h weapon. I can see how that + Imp Execute could do a lot of damage to a single target. I haven't tried it myself although I am tempted to try a 2h fury build- maybe taking Arms up to Sweeping Strikes (with Impale) and Fury up through Flurry.
I'm sure there are more efficient builds but I really enjoy playing my Rogue in Plate. :) I average about 120dps on similarly-levelled targets with spikes up to 150 and over 230 if I can get a lucky string of crits.
I've respecced a lot, and will probably do it again (I think I paid 20g last time). Here's my current build:
3/3 Improved Heroic Strike
2/5 Deflection
5/5 Tactical Mastery
1/1 Anger Management
2/2 Improved Overpower
5/5 Cruelty
5/5 Imp Demoralizing Shout
2/5 Unbridled Wrath (working on maxing this now)
1/1 Piercing Howl
5/5 Imp Battle Shout
5/5 Enrage
2/2 Imp Execute
2/5 Dual-Wield Specialization
1/1 Death Wish
5/5 Flurry
1/1 Bloodthirst
If I respec again I'll probably drop Dual-Wield spec for something else (Imp Beserker Rage?) as I've heard that it's really not worth the talent points. Improved Execute is questionable for PvE grinding but good for boss fights. I took Improved Heroic Strike because there really aren't any good rage dumps in the Fury line except for Bloodthirst. You generate so much rage so quickly that it's nice to have a place to dump it. I've noticed that I don't use it as much as I used to though- I tend to wait till I have enough rage to use a Bloodthirst. It's somewhat viable tanking as it is a high-threat attack.
If you're looking to be a DPS Fury warrior then I've heard good things about taking Improved Slam and just spamming that with a high-damage 2h weapon. I can see how that + Imp Execute could do a lot of damage to a single target. I haven't tried it myself although I am tempted to try a 2h fury build- maybe taking Arms up to Sweeping Strikes (with Impale) and Fury up through Flurry.
I'm sure there are more efficient builds but I really enjoy playing my Rogue in Plate. :) I average about 120dps on similarly-levelled targets with spikes up to 150 and over 230 if I can get a lucky string of crits.