Terenas instances
Hi...I'm feeling better for the most part and if anyone is available later today to help I would like to try leveling up Flash and Ama...My main is my hunter, but I won't be working Tam much as I have a 40+ Hunter on SC that will be getting transferred eventually.

I will be working up a mage and a warlock. Both are lev 18 right now*the mage hit 18 last night thanks to Flash* and I'm willing to partner up with somepeople to get them levels.
<span style="color:red"> Terenas<!--/sizec-->

<span style="color:orange">
Tamainelka- ----62 O Hunter(Eng/Min)
<span style="color:orange">
Sharissea--------23 BE Hunter(Skin/Min)
<span style="color:orange">
Kaiyleri-----------17 BE Warlock(Tail/Ench)
<span style="color:orange">
Crysalisse--------05 BE Mage(Alch/Herb)
<span style="color:orange">
Paksarrian--------01 BE Paladin(LW/Smith)


Messages In This Thread
Terenas instances - by FlashNPan - 09-27-2005, 03:01 PM
Terenas instances - by Alram - 09-27-2005, 04:48 PM
Terenas instances - by bonemage - 09-27-2005, 06:10 PM
Terenas instances - by VoiceMan - 09-27-2005, 09:11 PM
Terenas instances - by Taakal - 09-27-2005, 11:03 PM
Terenas instances - by FlashNPan - 09-27-2005, 11:07 PM
Terenas instances - by bonemage - 09-28-2005, 07:17 AM
Terenas instances - by ShadoweSpirit - 09-28-2005, 11:29 AM
Terenas instances - by VoiceMan - 09-28-2005, 05:11 PM
Terenas instances - by VoiceMan - 09-29-2005, 05:06 PM
Terenas instances - by FlashNPan - 10-11-2005, 05:25 PM
Terenas instances - by VoiceMan - 10-11-2005, 06:44 PM
Terenas instances - by Urza-DSF - 10-11-2005, 06:57 PM
Terenas instances - by FlashNPan - 10-15-2005, 05:01 AM
Terenas instances - by VoiceMan - 10-15-2005, 12:15 PM
Terenas instances - by Alram - 10-15-2005, 03:08 PM

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