Tuftears,Sep 26 2005, 02:22 PM Wrote:Kind of makes me wonder just how difficult power-levelling someone is in WoW if you put your mind to it. What are the tricks you can do to funnel XP to someone specific? Burn through quest XP with a 60 helping them, or grind mobs that are green to helper char, but yellow or orange or even red to the being-cheesed character?Sure, but then again why? I never understood power leveling in the context of enjoying a game.
The best way to level a lowbie fast is for them to solo quests outside of instances and have a high level kill anything already tagged. You skip alot of content though, and in the end you have a high level player who has never learned to play their class.
My lvl 49 priest felt more than inadequate in Maraudon recently, and for shame, I let the tank (Balador) die fighting Lord Vyletongue. I'm just not good at playing a team priestess yet as I've only ever healed a similiarly leveled group in Scarlet Monestary and then we had two priests in that run.
I'm deadly solo though, because that is what I've practiced. Last night I finally roped Lochnar in helping me kill the Lvl 50 Elite keepers at the alter of Zul. But, in my last solo attempt I had both of them down to under 10% life, using a combination of shadow ward, Mind Control, Silence, Shielding myself, Fear, and pouring on the shadow damage with SW:P, Mind Blast, and Mind Flay. I think if I had had a potion of Rejuvenation I could have done it.
If we were cooperating as a guild we might coordinate teams of similiarly leveled characters, and then make regular times and level 4-5 up most quickly and at the same time.