Lieutenant Doren, you are a marked man.
It was fun, if chaotic. I snagged a few screenshots, but they are about the same as vor_lord's pic. About 20-35 Alliance hanging around a lot of dead Horde players, taken after we were clearly defeated, and another one showing the crowd of Alliance players that Treesh's fashion show (she gave another one after our defeat) gathered. Unfortunately, I went for scope of players in my shot, and you really can't make her out unless you know what you're looking for.

Some memorable moments for me were when we first came over the hill at Sentinel Hill, there was an already flagged pally right there. I'm not sure why he was flagged, as it didn't appear to be to engage us in a valiant yet vain fight, considering he tried bolting at first sight of 15 flagged Horde moving his way. Unfortunately for him, he was the closest hostile target to me, and within charge range. I quickly turned him into easy rage as he was nearly an insta-kill. Not even a bubble to upset me or break my stride. He felt wronged by this ruthless act (he was 17, I was 51) and took his time to pay me back. Several minutes later in the fight, after Flight Master Thor was killed and there was considerable Alliance opposition, he returned to Hammer of Justice smack me while I was contending with several other alliance players. He proceeded to flee again in the same motion that got him in range to hit me, but the stun (it did stun me, I did not resist it) did not give him enough time to leave intercept range, and his friends were not powerful enough to kill me either. He met with another quick death at my hands, followed by his friends, though I'm sure I had help with them. I have to give him credit, he used what skills he could to make an impact on the fight at a good time, but I've played enough in the Battlegrounds that pallies get no quarter from me.

I also remember the first level 60 (a mage) alliance fighting nearly alone at the start. Sir_Die_alot recounts his first death, but I had a nearly 1 vs. 1 fight with him later on. It was a brutal fight for both of us, as I broke his first frost nova with my Grunt trinket, he then burned coldsnap to get another frost nova on me. I got in some big hits on his squishy frame, and even cared enough to drink a pot to try and bring him down. Sadly, the last details are fuzzy. I know that the winner had friends show up right at the end to tip the scales of victory. I'm pretty sure I had the help and came out on top, perhaps someone can recall saving my boney butt.

It was a lot of fun, and will have to do this again in the future.

It is good to die with friends...
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight

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Lieutenant Doren, you are a marked man. - by bonemage - 09-25-2005, 10:35 PM

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