Question after finishing easy difficulty
Mark9977,Sep 13 2005, 09:13 PM Wrote:Hi,

Just finished the game in easy mode. Is now the time to play the cow level with Wirts leg and the tome of town portal? I am at level 32 now, is that character level enough to be able to deal with all the cows.

My other question is can I play the next difficulty level continuing on with the same character and continue to build it? or do I have to start a new character?

Thanks, Mark

You can try the cows if you want. However, it's not necessary, and you probably won't really get anything out of it (other than a laugh). You can save the cow level for later, if you want.

Many people don't consider a character "done" until they play through normal, nightmare, and hell with it. Normal difficulty alone is just the first step.

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Question after finishing easy difficulty - by adeyke - 09-14-2005, 06:25 AM

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