09-08-2005, 11:25 PM
Ruvanal,Sep 7 2005, 04:50 PM Wrote:For Taunshu there are quite a few quests to do. But two of the quests have a high priority for me since they both have her carrying several inventory spaces of quest required items and on a hunter-engineer this leaves little free space for anything else. Those quests are the handing in of the love potion items in the bar and the handing in the materials to learn the smelting of Dark Iron. Considering that she also needs the quest: A Shred of Hope from 2 NPC along the way, that would be a good one to get done too. Taking out the second of these two NPCs would also allow her to pick up the plans for the Repair Bots. I would love to get this part of the quest done prior to the weekend if possible, but will settle for then if needed.
Now Completed due to the help of Garrin, Gnolack, Aleri and Sabramage. Much thanks!