08-19-2005, 04:57 PM
Quote:The targeting circles for area effect spells will no longer be cancelled when the caster moves.
Thank god. Hopefully they've done the same with other spells that can be clicked and then targetted. I'll often use indirect targetting to heal rather than having the person's portrait next to mine.
Quote:You can no longer unequip weapons while they are disarmed.
Quick fix for the weapon swap exploit. I'm still waiting to see if they're going to make sure weapon chains on the offhand don't affect the main.
Quote:Druids should now be able to shapeshift back into caster form while Feared.
Good fix. Druids that use forms frequently will have a use for the PvP trinket now.
Quote:Trueshot Aura - Attack Power and Ranged Attack Power bonus increased, mana cost decreased, area of effect increased.
Interesting incentive to ensure every hunter out there won't give up Marksmanship.
Quote:Mace Specialization - The stun effect can now be resisted.
Okay, I'll put aside the fact that any of the bosses in the game are generally immune to stun, making this a waste of 5 talent points while facing them. But still, when I'm getting a "target is immune" on half the enemies I face with my Warrior, why does Mace Specialization need a nerf? I can understand if this change was based on the principle that it IS indeed a bug and needs to be fixed, but still.
Quote:The Argent Dawn quest "The Active Agent" now offers a choice of rewards: Seal of the Dawn and Rune of the Dawn. Both may be used just like an Argent Dawn Commission.
Players seeking to replace their Seal of the Dawn (or get a Rune of the Dawn instead) once they've finished "The Active Agent" quest should speak with Betina Bigglezink in Eastern Plaguelands
Rune of the Dawn.... caster trinket?
Quote:You can now disable the slow scrolling of text when you are receiving a new quest.
See you in Town,