08-16-2005, 08:11 AM
Gnollguy,Aug 16 2005, 12:50 PM Wrote:There are Basiner's that could end up in that type of category as well. They raid with us 3 or 4 times and maybe win a good loot and then they end up getting in on the Basin raid schedule so we don't see them again in our raids. Hi,
I am from the Basin and played Kateley the gnome mage on Saturday during the Luci kill, but couldn't make it to the Maggie kill.
I can see where your coming from, though. Would it make you feel better if I didn't roll on any loot whilst I'm on raids led by Lurkers/CA? Sorry I rolled on the Arcanist Boots on Saturday despite it having been my first raid with you. At this point, I'm only really after the experience of going on MC and Onyxia raids, and would be more than happy to pass on the loot there.
I, too, am in the same boat as the Australians, and as such, won't be able to make most of your raids anyway. So, DKP or BRP, I probably won't be amassing the points necessary to get any items anyway.
However, I would however like some clarification on where Basiners, in general, stand in your games.