The Need for Cross-Server Battlegrounds
Gnollguy,Aug 11 2005, 04:23 PM Wrote:The only real issue that will still cause problems is that if you keep PvP and PvE battlegrounds seperate (and I'm not sure you need to) then there is a horde v alliance imbalance on the PvE servers.  Blizzard has admitted that PvE servers are alliance heavy and the census site data really isn't that far off the true mark I don't think.  However as you said it should still be better for all as the 5 horde here and there will be enough to get another instance running so at least 40 alliance that couldn't play in one at all will be able to.  Alliance will still mostly likely have longer lines and more issues but they should not be as severe.  PvP servers are pretty balanced on horde v alliance so that shouldn't be too bad off.  Not sure what you do with RP servers they are currently PvE as far as the base ruleset goes.  Just my one minor little point to pick at.

Cross-server battlegrounds wouldn't eliminate queues by any means. It would simply make them more rational and flowing. The situation would still be better for alliance players than now simply because there would be more games going on, so that more people would get to play them. But most importantly, it would eliminate bottlenecks. Sure, alliance PvE players might experience wait queues, but they might only be 15-20 minutes rather than the two hours or never that they experience now.

Messages In This Thread
The Need for Cross-Server Battlegrounds - by savaughn - 08-11-2005, 09:37 PM
The Need for Cross-Server Battlegrounds - by MongoJerry - 08-12-2005, 10:24 AM
The Need for Cross-Server Battlegrounds - by savaughn - 08-12-2005, 09:24 PM
The Need for Cross-Server Battlegrounds - by lfd - 08-17-2005, 11:58 AM

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