08-04-2005, 10:29 PM
Skandranon,Aug 4 2005, 05:55 PM Wrote:You're still missing the point. The primary reasons I left had nothing to do with raid versus casual or progression in endgame content. I had heavy personality conflicts with people who are in the guild, and it was emotionally draining. People in the Stormrage guild know this; they're aware that I was increasingly becoming unable to play with certain people. With no resolution in sight, I removed myself.
All of this, of course, you'd know if you'd actually read my posts. The lure of new content is, at most, tertiary to my reasons for leaving. Did you have serious conflicts with guild members, up to and including arguments across guild chat and in tells? No? Then you weren't in the same situation.
If you ever, after spending some time away, feel that you would like to return. You know its only a /tell away right?