08-03-2005, 01:15 PM
channel1,Aug 2 2005, 02:17 PM Wrote:That might not be a good idea. He might be gay :S
A marriage in name only might be better if he were gay.
Quote:If you can find ONE male computer programmer that you can convince to dress female characters decently - or even give them half-@$$ reasonable proportions
Oddly enough in morrowind, the original designs of said women were positively anorexic, but adequately covered up. What's stranger upon further investigation designers of said anorexic women were by women. They were however, so far removed from looking like normal humans that they were their own doll race with their own proportions and only coincidental reseblence to humans--for this incarnation anyways. But anorexic is as anorexic does, and Morrowind NPCs out of the box are too skinny and oddly proportioned.
The armor however, was all designed for men originally and all said armor is flat and not female form fitting in chest or waist area. At least everyone was pretty decently covered up originally. There were naked folk in the prior incarnation, but those were undressed accordingly to their profession and location, not in leather/mail/plate thongs pretending to be armor.
Of course MW modding community changed all that with the "Better bodies" project. Muahahaha.