1.11 Runewords Bugs
Okay, I should have known this would happen, it was just too good an idea. I equipped my Necro's Act 2 merc with the Peace runeword armor. 2% chance to cast Level 15 Valk, great idea, right?

Well, so far I am 2 for 2 when the valk gets cast, I get a "Your connection has been interrupted" and the game is gone. The second time, there was just enough of a delay that I could actually see that the Valk had been created when the game died.
I seem to recall something similar with the beta version of 1.10.

I suppose the other "Chance to cast" armors will need to be checked for this. I'm scared to report this to Blizzard, I'd rather have the runewords and work around the merc bug, than lose the runewords while waiting for a fix that may never come.


EDIT: No replies here, although I see some have viewed this. I'll just add this comment.

Being able to crash a game by giving your merc a "Peace" armor and letting the merc poke a few critters could be a cheap & easy & nasty way to grief. It would be hard to figure out what was going on, too.

This is exactly the same bug that we found in the beta version of 1.10, if I recall correctly it was with Crescent Moon. Game would crash when the "10% Chance To Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning On Striking / 7% Chance To Cast Level 13 Static Field On Striking" would trigger.

Looks like a good reason for version 1.11a, although I wonder if they will (1)fix it, (2)remove the runewords, or (3)dis-allow those runewords from being equipped on mercs.

Messages In This Thread
1.11 Runewords Bugs - by channel1 - 08-02-2005, 07:09 AM
1.11 Runewords Bugs - by MMAgCh - 08-06-2005, 08:27 PM
1.11 Runewords Bugs - by whathuh - 08-07-2005, 06:58 AM

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