Dedicated Lurker Lounge TeamSpeak Server
vor_lord,Jul 21 2005, 12:52 PM Wrote:Any other recommendations?  I understand most people use "push-to-talk".  I'm not used to that but it might be in the best interest of the community if I became used to it, i.e. make it a standard to use push-to-talk.

Unlikely to be required. Any players with "voice activated" settings that trasmit too much will be pointed out by their peers. Those that eat pizza noisely while on TeamSpeak should be encouraged to use "push-to-talk" mode, or mute their mic, but having a standard way to use the TS client is just conforming to conform, which isn't really big here.

I would suggest that the default channel (where you end up when you first join a TS server) be the LFG/general channel, and other groups make their own channel with a clearly identified name. Something like WoW-Realm-Instance, or D2-GameName. Channels for other purposes should be properly named so other players might know what they are getting into if they join to say "hi" to a friend in another channel. The Default channel would be a very inappropriate place to try and run a MC run, but a channel named WoW-Stormrage-MC-DND would work, and other players won't pop in to say "hi" to some player in the raid and distract the player (The DND being Do Not Disturb), meaning the channel creator wants only MC raid members. At least, this is how I would like it done, but know it won't be nearly so organized, and the chaos I see will irk my anal retentive mind until I create my own carefully named channel and let the game distract me. Looking forward to speaking with you all!
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight

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Dedicated Lurker Lounge TeamSpeak Server - by bonemage - 07-21-2005, 10:34 PM

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