Gnollguy,Jul 14 2005, 01:55 PM Wrote:I've never had that feeling with a healer or a DPS class. I have never felt that I was pretty much useless to have along. I have as a warrior.Aleri has felt useless on raids. If there's one hyper-active healer around, the rest feel useless. Silverflail does that to me a lot so in order to not feel bored, I'm turning hyper-active healer too unfortunately just so I can feel like I've actually done something. I've had a pally use a damned auto-heal mod so I was useless there too. People breaking shackles or not allowing me to get a shackle in the first place so yeah, useless again. You can tell how useless I'm feeling by watching how often I use mind control. ** ;) I've felt quite useless with Etheramwen in some 5 mans. I think what it comes down to is if you've got someone who always has to be the star of the show, it really kills the fun for those of us more concerned with using different tactics and such rather than those who focus on getting the loot as quickly as possible.
**Edit: Last night was an exception. With the stupid sheep bug, I felt mind control in some of the situations was a bit safer crowd control since there were two other healers in the raid. I definitely didn't feel useless or bored last night. ;)
Intolerant monkey.