Best place to level merc...
I've read various topics here on lvling your merc, and I have two things, first, where do YOU think is the best place to level merc, and second, my input.

I have a lvl 88 Assassin. I've been doing hell Countess runs, not necessarily because I find good runes AT the countess, but because I always seem to find one mid or hi rune getting to her. My merc is currently lvl 87, almost lvl 88. Was lvl 82 before started runs*. I've only done about 12 runs total. Seems to me he's levelling rather quickly. Does anyone know of any better place than that to lvl merc that is at that lvl rate?

*Note, not really runs, as I kill EVERYTHING in Black Marsh and tower.

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Best place to level merc... - by SetBuilder - 07-12-2005, 05:42 PM

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