Stormrage - LBRS (5 man or exploratory raid)
I would like to try and either 5 man LBRS to get some quests out of the log, or lead an "exploratory" raid into there sometime this week.

What does that mean? Well, I've been in there 3 times. 2 times were total zerg fests and the other wasn't that much slower. So I don't really know much about the instance or the pulls at all. That is fine by me. I still like the ability to go someplace that most of the people who have been 60 for awhile have been and get a chance to discover it for myself. The most info I would want from someone who has already been there would be something like "This boss can kick you over the edge and cause a wipe". If that will frustrate you, because of the many potential wipes and potential lack of getting anything at all done, then this would not be the trip for you.

There are no real goals except to learn the instance by experience. I'm thinking I might do the same type of things with Dire Maul West and scholomance (since all I've done in scholo is Baron runs).

I would like to try and start this early today or earlier on Friday (I say Friday because I know several people who will not be working at all that day as well). Say 2 or 3 server time? I'd be willing to go at a later time as well, like a 7 server time some day as well, but with the chance of not getting anything done but helping me and other learn the instance better, I prefer earlier starts.

Post if you are interested and let me know so times that you can do it. If this is something you enjoy or think you will enjoy look for further threads from me about Dire Maul, Scholo and Strat.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Stormrage - LBRS (5 man or exploratory raid) - by Kevin - 07-04-2005, 01:15 PM

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