Frostsabers, Furbies, Faction, and You...
Mirajj,Jun 30 2005, 06:52 PM Wrote:To the best of my knowledge, I can't ride a ram, regardless of my status with Ironforge.

That should not be true.

If you check the riding rams that are listed there, you will see that "Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome" which is the same as it was in beta. Although I do not ever recall seeing a night elf on one, I know that there were some humans that used rams as mounts in the beta. It should not be too different for an elf to be on one if you get the faction to do it.

The only alliance restriction like you are referring to that I am aware of is on the gnomes Mecha-Turkey mounts that are restricted to gnomes and dwarves.

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Frostsabers, Furbies, Faction, and You... - by Ruvanal - 06-30-2005, 11:15 PM

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