06-17-2005, 01:57 PM
Sabra,Jun 17 2005, 09:51 AM Wrote:Well.... must one be running CTRaid to be in the raid? Is there any real advantage to the players who aren't the Raid Leaders? Is it necessary to have CTRaid up and running? Once you're invited, can't you just type /raid, hop on TS, if you're able and interested, set your macros for MT and MA and participate the old fashioned way, with your eyes, ears and fingers?
What is the unique advantage of using CT Raid if you are just playing with the raid and not leading it?
Who pretty much "must" have it in my estimation: Tanks, Healers/Rez'ers of any type (if you have jumper cables, you fit here)/People with High First Aid.
Why? Tanks/Healers/Rez obvious. The others? You can bandage a priest from another group and possibly spare us a wipe. A rogue with cables can see a potential wipe and vanish for the win.
If you don't fit into those categories, it's not truly necessary. Some people just like to know what's going down. In my estimation, though, the people I listed SHOULD have it . . . (bitches at Ab because he hasn't gotten it yet, AND can bandage AND has jumper cables)