I am curious about something....
gekko,Jun 13 2005, 12:07 PM Wrote:It doesn't sound to me like you're interested in hearing arguments or an honest debate on the issue you brought up.  Your reasoning, near as I can tell, follows the following logic:

I disagree that Islam neccessarily strips women of their rights and freedoms.  So while I am not a woman, and I don't specifically support Islam (or, for that matter, any particular religion), I do support each person's right to choose for themselves.  Furthermore, I reject the idea that any person or group of persons can perfectly lay down "the rules" from any god(s).  I don't believe there is any particular "right" or "wrong" way to live.  For me, that means that I call myself a Catholic and attend church, while vigorously opposing several major - and many minor - decisions of the pope and the church in general.  For the "any western female" you aimed your original question at, I would suppose that that would mean belonging to an Islamic faith while not supporting gang-rapes.  Doesn't seem to be a major contradiction to me, even if Muslims in general considered gang-rapes to be an appropriate and acceptable "punishment" (which I also do not believe).


You can disagree all you want ("I disagree that Islam neccessarily strips women of their rights and freedoms"), however it is a fact.
You can support any person's right to choose all you want - unfortunately, beyond the western world, and especially in some parts of the world, that support is useless. Support is nice, but only when it is enforceble.

"Any western female" means non-Muslim, not Muslim. I thought that was obvious. As far as not believing that "gang rapes" are acceptible in that society, again you can see what you believe or you can believe what you see...it's up to you.


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