06-13-2005, 09:36 AM
Kylearan,Jun 13 2005, 08:06 AM Wrote:Hi,
could you please try to use the quote tag a bit more thoughtful? I find it very hard to discern where the quoted text ends and your comments begin. Also, replying to your post becomes more difficult because the forum software chokes on the wrongly nested quote tags and eats up some of your post when quoting you.
Consider using preview, thanks! :)
Sorry, ever since the new forum, i cannot get the hang of that quoting....I will check it a bit more careful next time.
About what you said: I don't believe the people think of europe like this. As you pointed out there was a lot of disagreement about the Iraq war. I wonder how we are going to do this when we are really united? I guess most of the eastern european countries (the new members) will probably be in favour of supporting the US, but I don't think in the west people think the same.
Well at least it might give some tough debates.
Which reminds me. I think english should be the only language in the EP. The way it goes now (with a few 100 translaters) looks a bit oldfashioned to me.