Battleground stories
Bob the Beholder,Jun 11 2005, 08:59 AM Wrote:I'm willing to bet the alliance in the match were insane, though.  In one of the rare offensive pushes I participated in--trailing slightly behind the rest of the attackers--we found every single one of the enemies standing around in the flag room.  All ten!  Needless to say, seeing as we actually left defenders behind, the rest of the group died before I caught up, and I was only a few seconds behind them.  At which point it kind of turned into a game of 'chase the mage,' which rarely ends well for the mage in question.

All ten?!? Oh, my God. Our team eats up groups that try to do that. It's my basic contention that the flag rooms are indefensible against anything but a small one or two person attacking party. The simple way to mess a group like that up is with a series of aoe fears and snares. The typical thing would be to have a warrior charge into the flag room and intimidating shout. A mage improved Blizzards and/or Frost Novas to snare more people. I as the priest fear anyone else who's still active and picks a caster to Silence, while the druid snags the flag and books it out of there with me right on top of him giving him heals, dispelling magic snares, and fearing any enemies who catch up. Once the druid's out in the open field, it's travel form and cap the flag for the win. Sure, a team that holes up in the flag room has plenty of firepower to kill an attacking party, but we don't stick around long enough to let them do that.

It is far more important to control the middle of the field and the proper way to defend the flag against an assault is in front of the base. You can fight them there and kill, slow down, or at least use up their mana there. Then, if you die, you can rez at your graveyard with full health and mana and go again. The nearness of the graveyard is the greatest advantage defenders have. A team that defends the flag in the flag room itself loses this advantage. Yes, it's occationally helpful to have one or two people go back to the flag room to guard against solo or duo attackers who try to steal the flag, but having more than two people stay in the flag room itself is counterproductive.

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