Battleground stories
I've done a couple of Warsong Gulch matches, seeing as I'm level 50 and can't go into Alterac Valley yet. It's lots of fun. Although, I've heard people say that matches only last ten minutes or so (although I can't remember where, exactly), which is kinda nuts, seeing as each match lasted over 45 minutes. Although, I suppose, if the entire enemy party were morons, and all scattered solo through the area, then maybe you could get three captures in ten minutes. But who's dumb enough to do that?

Anyway. Lots of fun. I can see how a skilled hunter can come out on top in these matches... but so far skilled mages have come out on or near the top each time. Myself, in particular. And other mages near the top as well. The first match, I got 79 kills, and 25 killing blows, which put me on top. Second place being yet another mage. And I was second in the second match, with a warrior in first. Although I have no idea how he did so well--he must rock hardcore.

The second battle was notable. The enemy used some weird tactics, and some absolutely convoluted leaning from defense to offense, in such a way that we had no idea what was going on through most of it.

Most of their attacks ended up with a hunter, mage, warlock, whatever, up on the roof, raining arrows/fire/AoE down on the defenders. I still don't know how they got up there, but that's beside the point. I was on the high end of the level scale, and was busily defending the flag, so I'd counterspell the casters, and target whoever was best in line of sight up there, drop a fireball in that direction, and they'd kinda go, "OCRAP THAT GUY JUST HIT ME FOR 900 DAMAGE (before ignite!)" and jump down to make use of the twisty tunnels and doors and such to keep out of line of sight... which allowed the meleers to rip them apart quite handily.

It was basic stuff, most of the time. Sheep people, nuke people, snare meleers, stay up in the hunters' deadzones, try to keep some allies around me, etc..

I'm willing to bet the alliance in the match were insane, though. In one of the rare offensive pushes I participated in--trailing slightly behind the rest of the attackers--we found every single one of the enemies standing around in the flag room. All ten! Needless to say, seeing as we actually left defenders behind, the rest of the group died before I caught up, and I was only a few seconds behind them. At which point it kind of turned into a game of 'chase the mage,' which rarely ends well for the mage in question.

And not long after, with half our team heading towards the enemy base, the whole alliance side once again collected together, passed RIGHT BY our offensive line, and ran straight to our base. They all charged headlong into the flag room, and I laughed, and began the destruction. There were three of us in the flag room right then--warrior, mage, priest-- so I just started AoEing them all. Blast Wave, and spamming arcane explosion over and over and over and over, weaving in and out of them, nuking like a madman.

Most of them were too busy making a mad dash for the flag, or trying to take out the warrior who was doing his best to keep them off of it, to notice anything puny like a 'mage' who was only 'killing them all horribly.' So, I ran out of mana... and I had killed eight enemies. Flag room's kinda small, yes? AoE fills it with burning, destroying love.

A gnome mage was hiding in a nearby corner and a night elf rogue with less than 10 percent hp left finished off both the priest and the warrior, somehow... but I killed him with wand shots. Wand shots! That's gotta be degrading. Aaand, the mage ran for it. I'd regenned a bit of mana, so I counterspelled... and did a single scorch. Bam, gnome on the ground.

Haha. I sat down to eat and drink, and read the raid channel, people were frantic trying to figure out what was happening, where the enemies were, whether they were attack or defending, or spinning around in circles. The people who had died and were rushing back to defend the flag started yelling about the attackers all being dead. My only contribution to the conversation at that point: "Damn right."

But, our third flag capture was coming our way, and the match ended before I could even get out to defend the carrier. :(

Messages In This Thread
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