06-03-2005, 12:46 PM
Occhidiangela,Jun 3 2005, 07:07 AM Wrote:??
You believe in American Communisn? *smoke comes out of ears as gears grind*
I am missing something here.
Short answer, no.
But I do believe strongly in unions, more workers rights, and a better outlook for those workers. At the time, that outlet was the best means available to make those opinions known. Union is a dirty word here in the South. One you had better not ever say out loud in public. A lot of people, at that time, desperate people with a lot on the line, supported this cause simply because there was no other outlet for them to turn to. And many of these were red blooded American workers that hated the idea of "commies" and "red bastids." Occhi, you get hungry enough, you get poor enough, you get desperate enough, and you too, will follow anybody offering to help you get more bread on the table. It's easy to demonise folk that go to these measures, getting in bed with the enemy so to speak, until it's you standing in the breadlines. There were a lot of scary ideas being thrown around at this time. Job safety. Industrial accidents were at an all time high... People were getting chewed up in heavy machinery, losing arms, legs, their lives, and they wanted safer working conditions as well as compensation for being chewed up on the job. Workers threatened strikes, demands for better hours and workers rights, better health care, better pay to keep up with the rising cost of living, and the very idea of workers going on strike in mass with all manner of jobs in different fields caused many of the Overlords to crap their britches... The idea of the workers standing up and resisting all the current unfair (And unAmerican I might add) practices sent the folks living at the top of the hill into a tizzy. And those folks up there living off of the broken backs of others panicked, and they hired themselves an army of Neo-Nazi Skinheads and Klansmen to go in and bust skulls. Even worse, these same folks, when the killers went on trial in 1980, used their money and wealth, and got their hired killers out of the hot seat. Some of the people killed and injured that God awful horrible day were not communists at all, nor did they believe in American Communism. They were just average joes that where hungry, tired, poor, and were willing to risk everything just to try and get some hope. And they found a political outlet that had just enough of a voice to offer some of that most precious commodity. Can you fault them? When you reach that sort of boiling point, there is no middle ground. There are only extremists on both sides. The dominating force on both ends is where you wind up if you get involved. And everything usually spirals out of control because there is to much weight on both ends and nothing in the middle to stablize.
I do not believe that it is right that the people who do the most work get paid the least, and the people doing the least work get paid the most. IE, executives that spend their whole days at lunch and at the golf course, and get a six figure income for doing that, while the workers slave away in some hellish factory.
I believe in free trade and an open ended economic system. I just think that with all this wealth there should be more done to protect the source of this wealth. After all, you don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Judge me as you will. History has. I am to damned old to care at this point. I watched people die that day. Gunned down and beaten to death. All I can remember is the blood... There was so much of it. There is news footage of that day... Some of the violence was caught on camera. Infact, you can even see me on film. It was madness, and just thinking about it makes me want a stiff drink, which is something I really don't need. It still hurts all these years later. I don't give a damn. I just want to live out whatever life I have left peaceful and quiet like, with my wife, and my animals. And I want those memories to fade away and stop hurting so much. I wish I could go to sleep and not hear all the screams that I hear, not just from this one incident, but from all of them. I wish I could just sleep period. I am always awake. Every time I close my damn eyes all the events of my life choose that moment to replay themselves.
I don't know what I believe in any more to be honest. I don't know how to answer your question my friend.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.
"Isn't this where...."
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.
"Isn't this where...."