05-24-2005, 05:37 AM
Occhidiangela,May 24 2005, 04:43 AM Wrote:They get elected because the men voting suffer from deadly testosterone poisoning and vote for whoever's midriff is nicest. Given the intellectual depth of anything Lucas is involved with, that theory is internally consistent with his universe.
So I actually forgot to list the concepts that I liked (Not necessarily the execution, but the concepts):
- Yoda meets Chewbacca without causing continuity holes
- C3P0 belongs to both Annikin and Luke without continuity holes (But the memory wip is a 'cheap' device)
- The reason behind Annikin becoming mostly robotic
- 'Annikin, I am your father' from Palpatine. (The story about being able to create life from nothing, and how Palpatine was taught that from Tyranous). Nice mirror to Ep 5 (?) and makes for a nice family tree :P . Tidies up the 'virgin birth' issue from Ep 1.
I don't get how R2D2 didn't need a memory wipe... since he can communicate with C3P0 et al. Wouldn't he have told Luke about history?