05-08-2005, 09:17 PM
In another post it came up that Grizelle uses
Quote:Something is trying to eat me, please make it stop!as a macro for when something is attacking her. This made me laugh and so I stole it for my priest. I also added one for patrols which goes something like
Quote:EEP! They're coming to eat us. RUN AWAY!which fits decently with the one I stole. What I am wondering is, what other funny lines do people use? I'm mostly interested in ones that actually serve a good purpose though. I know one person who has a macro that says "Stand still!" anytime a mob tries to run, which I tend to just find annoying. All it does is clutter up the chat window. Some macros are important though: for patrols, for when you get too much aggro, for when you are drinking, for when you are oom (though /oom is probably best for this cause of the audio), etc. There are alot of funny people around here so I'm interested to hear what you all have come up with.