Generous Behavior.
Well, first off, lemme start by sayin "hi". I'm new here, a friend of Pesmerga, he linked me, and i decided i would start an account too.

I just started WoW in the past two months, I just returned home from Iraq, and I've enjoyed the game oh so very much. It's been fueling the need for a new computer, which i'm getting piece by piece as i go along ^_^;

Anyways, onto the real topic.

I've recently started being extremely generous to lower level characters than myself. If i can't use a piece of equipment, and i'm not gonna get a whole lot from selling it off, i have been just giving it away in the name of better gaming for all. I'm probably out a bunch of cash as of right now because of it. But i'm hoping that the whole idea catches on amongst the people i help out. Maybe they'll be inclined to do the same for some other n00b character and help someone along.

I've only been doing this with my Paladin on stormrage and it's been going rather well. I might even start doing it with my other characters, when and if i get back to playing them someday ^_^;; Pesmerga knows what i'm talking about. Damn that guild lvl cap!!

If anyone comes across any "crap" equipment in their travels, just remember someone can use it somewhere. And they'd be very happy to get thier hands on it. And even if you aren't in the mood to go n00b hunting, someone like me will be more than willing to hand it out, all in the name of a better gaming experience. So think about it before you sell off that old equipment for next to nothing. And maybe send it my way. I'll be more than glad to take it off your hands for this new path i'm leading.

Operation Goodwill has begun!

Thanks for readin!

<span style="color:blue">Garrin - Lvl 60 Human Paladin - Stormrage <Lurkers>
Gasan - Lvl 14 Dwarf Priest - Stormrage <Lurkers>
Bladewhisper - Lvl 60 Rogue - Stormrage <Carpe Aurum>
<span style="color:red">Garrin - Lvl 25 Orc Warlock - Dethecus <Frost Wolves Legion>
Tigarius - Lvl 14 Tauren Warrior - Dethecus
Garrin - Lvl 13 Tauren Druid - Thunderhorn

Messages In This Thread
Generous Behavior. - by Garrin - 05-04-2005, 11:53 PM
Generous Behavior. - by Kevin - 05-05-2005, 03:40 AM
Generous Behavior. - by The Gnu - 05-05-2005, 01:17 PM

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